So, Obama is re-elected President of the United States, I was up all night watching developments with unease to begin with and relief by the end. Congratulations to him and good luck - he will need it.
I worked on what should be the final draft of my Grants for the Arts application yesterday, finished all the attachments, did the final word count and read through. It's a bit over the word count, but I think it will be ok. It reads well, and all in all, I am hopeful for a positive response so that I can get on with what I am best at: making work. It will go off to Yvette for the final scrutiny this morning, and all being well, I press "send" tomorrow.
I shall be so glad to have the application out of the way as I desperately need to get back in to the studio. I never did get those experimental relief prints finished in time for the open submission in Hull, so I am keen to keep on with those. I have one of a series of four collagraphs based on the seasons started, so it will be good to develop them. I have a few ideas buzzing around in my head for some drawings too . . .
Some of the drawings I have done in my Chinese notebooks would make great etchings, and I plan to start work on some next year, when I have more time to concentrate and brush up on my printmaking skills. It is a long time since I have made etchings, but I had a great teacher in Paul Ryan at Basingstoke College of Technology, where I did my Foundation course, so I am sure it won't take me too long before I am making some interesting prints.
Meanwhile there is a massive clean up going on at home after the plastering was completed upstairs and I need to get the rest of my studio equipment and library of art books and catalogues out of storage because I really need access to them now. So, lots to do and exciting times ahead.
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