Monday, 19 November 2012

Ho Ho Hoe - Creative Thinking!

We artists are renowned for our creativity and lateral thinking.  We are also resourceful members of the human race; in a small way this is illustrated by my ingenious use of a garden hoe this weeked.  I used the hoe to scrape the plaster off floor boards before washing them down several times in preparation for the floor sanding to take place.  So much easier than using the decorating scraper tool on my hands and knees, ho ho ho!  (Well, even I have to acknowledge that Christmas is nearly here!)

I have spoken to our marvellous builder this morning about my ingenious idea for a quick, cheap floor on the upstairs landing, which is currently a mixture of floor boards, chip board and hardboard bodges; a marvellous patchwork, with some holes where the exterior cavity walls once were.  I have decided that we should use sheet ply and board out the entire landing, saving the floor boards for repairing the bedroom floors.  I'll paint the ply with white floor paint and we'll have a very "gallery" space, which will house some of our books and display some art.  Later, we'll replace the cheap version with our chosen bamboo flooring.  Result.

Sunset the other evening, taken from our new glass fronted landing.

Off to the studio this morning, to crack on with the small drawings, after I have taken some photographs of the hedges that caught my eye the other day; bright yellow tops, where the leaves have been clinging on to the stems, gleaming in the light against the fog.  I would have liked to have done some colour sketches with watercolours but I think my travel watercolour box must still be in storage as I have been unable to find it.  If the leaves are still there, I'll do some with pencils and pastels.  By the end of this week, I should be able to ring the storage company and get everything back - all my books, catalogues, my other plan chest and the rest of my tools and equipment.  It will be better than Christmas!

I'll post up images of work produced in the studio today when I get back . . .


  1. I was going to make a joke about hoes/ho's but I could think of a way to phrase it without being inappropriate - damn!
