Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Frack Free Ryedale

I am SO angry with this government.

Last night I attended a meeting in Hovingham village hall, which was incredibly well run and organised.  I did not realise that it was in fact the second meeting, so Pete and I were not up to speed with names or agenda.  However, we should receive the minutes of last night's meeting shortly so we will know who everyone is.

An intense hour and a half of listening, discussing, group forming and decision making took place.  We have all been given certain jobs to perform; research, petitioning, letter writing, canvassing and much more, divided between the four task groups.  I have been careful to not to over-commit but we have to do something to stop this vile practice.

Here's a quote from Greenpeace, which sums it up clearly:

What we do know is that fracking is being used to justify 40 new gas power stations and that extracting new fossil fuel deposits is likely to make climate change worse.

It will also require tens of thousands of new wells in Lancashire alone, scarring the natural landscape wherever shale gas is exploited.

According to international experts, we need to keep two-thirds of known fossil fuels in the ground to avoid runaway climate change - the point in which global warming becomes irreversible.

Rather than scraping the bottom of the fossil fuels barrel and building up costly infrastructure that will lock us into a high-carbon future for decades to come, we need strong government investment in clean, renewable energy.

I feel SO strongly about this and completely agree with the above statement.  There is lots to do but if West Sussex can vote NO, then we need to persuade our councils to do the same.

Here's a link to a simple but really informative video:

facebook page with lots of valuable information and where interested people can join and keep up to date with what's happening: 

 web site: http://frackfreeryedale.org/ 

If you are interested, please visit, add your comments/support and maybe make a donation!

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