Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Lovely day in York doing final setting up of "Drawings"

What a beautiful day it was today!  I was in York again, doing the final set up with Lyn Wait for the exhibition "Drawings" that opens tomorrow at The White Room Gallery:

Issy Donney, owner of Priestley's no.36, Bootham, York, where the gallery is situated in the basement declared the exhibition, "beautiful" and "fresh", saying she was really impressed and pleased with it all. 

Here's a few pics of my work during the hang; the works will be much straighter once they have had blocks stuck behind them to steady them on the hanging system:

Too many labels at the moment; the temporary ones had not been removed, nor has the lighting been adjusted.

I am really pleased with how all three of the artists' sketchbooks complement each other inside the display case.

After we'd done all we could, we left the rest in the capable hands of Rob Oldfield.  I took my bubble wrap and other odds and ends back to my car in Marygate and then wandered back into the city center,  through the museum gardens and on, past the Minster.  Lots of yellow bikes about to celebrate Le Tour!

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