Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Frack Free Ryedale

I am SO angry with this government.

Last night I attended a meeting in Hovingham village hall, which was incredibly well run and organised.  I did not realise that it was in fact the second meeting, so Pete and I were not up to speed with names or agenda.  However, we should receive the minutes of last night's meeting shortly so we will know who everyone is.

An intense hour and a half of listening, discussing, group forming and decision making took place.  We have all been given certain jobs to perform; research, petitioning, letter writing, canvassing and much more, divided between the four task groups.  I have been careful to not to over-commit but we have to do something to stop this vile practice.

Here's a quote from Greenpeace, which sums it up clearly:

What we do know is that fracking is being used to justify 40 new gas power stations and that extracting new fossil fuel deposits is likely to make climate change worse.

It will also require tens of thousands of new wells in Lancashire alone, scarring the natural landscape wherever shale gas is exploited.

According to international experts, we need to keep two-thirds of known fossil fuels in the ground to avoid runaway climate change - the point in which global warming becomes irreversible.

Rather than scraping the bottom of the fossil fuels barrel and building up costly infrastructure that will lock us into a high-carbon future for decades to come, we need strong government investment in clean, renewable energy.

I feel SO strongly about this and completely agree with the above statement.  There is lots to do but if West Sussex can vote NO, then we need to persuade our councils to do the same.

Here's a link to a simple but really informative video:

facebook page with lots of valuable information and where interested people can join and keep up to date with what's happening: 

 web site: http://frackfreeryedale.org/ 

If you are interested, please visit, add your comments/support and maybe make a donation!

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

RAW at Danby

Members of Ryedale ArtWorks are holding an exhibition of work at the North York Moors National Park visitors centre, Danby.

I've spent a good part of today labelling, stringing and wrapping work to go to Danby.  It has been really hot today, so I was glad of an excuse to be indoors; our house is surprisingly cool, which is great.

My dining room now looks like a gallery store.  Not all the work is mine; there is work belonging to three other artists there too.  They dropped their work off to me as they are unable to deliver for various reasons and I'm happy to help.  Liz Bailey, one of RAW's members has so very kindly offered to pick up my big painting in her van, which is lovely of her and saves me having to hire one.  I'll put the smaller pieces in my car and head off to help with the selection process, once my large painting has been safely strapped into Liz's van.

The exhibition opens on 25th and runs until 17th August and there is a meet the artists on Saturday 26th July from 12 noon until 3 pm.

I'll post some pics of the selection and placing of works when I've taken some, tomorrow.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Malware problems

I have been extremely frustrated by the intrusion of advertising icons appearing within the written content of this blog of late; I followed the advised procedures for removing them several times but after each attempt the awful advertising icons and highlighting of certain words within my text would reappear.  

Added to this, my computer was beginning to be swamped by advertising pop ups to such an extent that at times I could not actually see my screen to write!  After consulting a few clever people within my family and searching on line for information about my symptoms, I realised I had fallen prey to the dreaded Malware bug or bugs.

So, to any people reading this, who have given up trying to read previous entries because of this problem, (it really does interrupt the flow of the text when trying to read to have ads popping up all over the place), I apologize.  

I am very happy to report that, with the installation of anti-malware software on my machine, the problem is now solved.  There were over 600 malware items removed and another 300+ other unwanted items, all of which were preventing the machine running properly.  

The content of my blogs are now advertising free once again and it is possible to read without unwanted interruption.  It may be that in the future, I might want to include advertising on this site, but I'd like to be able to choose which ones, and where it is placed.  

The malware bug is really quite intrusive and if left, so I am informed, can actually cause damage to any machine it has corrupted, so if any one else has these ads popping up within the body of their blog writing, it would be very sensible to do something about it immediately.  I am extremely relieved to have this problem sorted.

Happy reading!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

One&Other magazine

Our show, "Drawings", has been featured in One&Other magazine!  I am very pleased that it is generating interest more widely than we had expected.

Once again, thank you to Issy Doney and Rob Oldfield for their support for this exhibition.  The White Room Gallery is a really nice space in which to show contemporary art in York.


Wednesday, 9 July 2014

A Sale!

How many wondrous days? 
(Sorry about the pink tinge to the paper, I need to sort this out).

I spent today clearing what used to be my studio at home.  I have managed to do half of it.  It got used as a storage area for extra building and decorating materials as well as lots of boxes of household things that needed to be put out of the way while the building work went on.

What with a visit to the dentist to sort out a painful tooth, which was not as bad as I thought it would be although it still cost me an arm and a leg, plus other errands to run, I did not return home until gone five o'clock this afternoon.

Imagine my surprise and pleasure when I discovered on checking emails, that I have sold my drawing, "How many wondrous days?"  I felt elated and, if I'm honest, rather bereft, because it is one of my favourites.  You can tell from this, that selling work is, for me, quite rare!  I have always said that sales are the icing on the cake, not the reason I make the work and it is very nice to have made a sale from this show in York.  (The White Room gallery, Priestley's No.36, Bootham, York, see previous blogs).

This means that I have recovered more than half the framing costs, which is a relief.

I have set aside a lot of my time this summer for a general clear up and organisation of the house, post builders, but I am already rather anxious to get back into the studio; there's nothing like a bit of success to spur me on!

All rights reserved

Friday, 4 July 2014

Drawings: Exhibition at The White Room Gallery, York


The White Room Gallery at Priestleys at Nº 36, Bootham, York

Artists: Sue Gough, Sally Taylor, Lyn Wait

Opens 2nd July through to 30th July. 
Meet the Artists Saturday 12th July 2pm – 5pm

This exhibition features three artists for whom drawing is an integral part of their practice. Sue Gough explores ideas about the human condition with references to asemic text and textile construction, which communicate meaning in ways that are non-verbal. The tally motifs and lists provide structure and reflect on the repetition of daily living. www.suegough.blogspot.co.uk

Sally Taylor’s work explores the imminence of the hand-drawn mark with urgency and energy. Her Heads investigate facets of human communication. Sally’s contribution to contemporary drawing practice has been acknowledged through selection of work for the Jerwood Drawing Prize 2011, 2009, 2004. She was included in the 54th Venice Bienale, WW Gallery, London and Drawing Paper #6.www.sallytaylor.net

Lyn Wait’s is interested in how, through physical presence, she might affect perceptions and perceived notions of landscapes and heritage. Lyn has used film, photography, singing, costume and participation to act out scenarios around specific rural sites. The drawings are from the series “Imaginary Interventions in the Countryside”. www.lynwait.net

All three artists are members of Ryedale ArtWorks, an artist led community dedicated to raising the profile of artists, makers and galleries from Ryedale and the region. www.ryedaleartworks.co

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Lovely day in York doing final setting up of "Drawings"

What a beautiful day it was today!  I was in York again, doing the final set up with Lyn Wait for the exhibition "Drawings" that opens tomorrow at The White Room Gallery:

Issy Donney, owner of Priestley's no.36, Bootham, York, where the gallery is situated in the basement declared the exhibition, "beautiful" and "fresh", saying she was really impressed and pleased with it all. 

Here's a few pics of my work during the hang; the works will be much straighter once they have had blocks stuck behind them to steady them on the hanging system:

Too many labels at the moment; the temporary ones had not been removed, nor has the lighting been adjusted.

I am really pleased with how all three of the artists' sketchbooks complement each other inside the display case.

After we'd done all we could, we left the rest in the capable hands of Rob Oldfield.  I took my bubble wrap and other odds and ends back to my car in Marygate and then wandered back into the city center,  through the museum gardens and on, past the Minster.  Lots of yellow bikes about to celebrate Le Tour!